Living in the city, there are a lot of issues that seem to take precedence over teaching about sustainability. We talk about bullying in the schools, poverty, and homelessness, but when it comes to teaching about going green, city folk seem to drop the ball. For the past few years, though, I’ve been really interested in learning more about sustainability, and have been conscience about doing my part to save the planet. Now that I have a daughter, going green is even more important to me, and I’m am so happy that she’s old enough to start understanding how she can go green!
I’ve been on the lookout for green children friendly activities to give Ayva some hands on experience, and I’m really happy to have discovered the Gigglin’ Garden Gang “Go Green and Giggle” Book and Tote Garden Activity Gift Set. It’s a super simple way to introduce her to planting, and a way for me to begin discussions about the importance about sowing into the environment just as much as we reap from it.
The kit that I bought included a Gigglin’ Garden Gang tote, a book, a fun musical CD, and most importantly, magic grow pellets! Purchasing the kit was simple. I was directed to from the Gigglin’ Garden Gang website, placed my order, and it was here in 5 days.
When the kit arrived and we opened the box, Ayva started grinning from ear to ear when she saw Sunflower Suzi on the front of the tote! The Gigglin’ Garden Gang characters are so adorable! We sat on the porch and I read the book that came in the kit to her, then she “read” it to me, and then we prepared to plant our magic grow pellets.
First, we put some soil in a few pots. Then we used warm water to activate the magic grow pellets. Ayva’s response was “Look, Mommy! They’re getting so big!”. We buried the pellets in the soil, and left the pots on the stoop so that they can soak up some sun. This is the perfect week to plant, too, since it’s going to be really sunny and up to 70 degrees for most of the week.
Now, all we have to do is keep the soil moist, and we should start to see sprouts in a few days! I can’t wait until Ayva gets to see something that she planted grow for the first time. I can only imagine what kind of impact that is going to have on her, and what kind of inspiration it is going to give her for continuing to go green!
Find out more about the Gigglin’ Garden Gang by going to their website, following the company on Twitter, Facebook, or checking out the #GoGreenNGiggle conversation on Twitter!
*Disclosure – This shop has been compensated as part of a social shoppers insight study by Collective Bias (#Cbias). All opinions are my own.